Friday, December 20, 2013

The Heart.

No matter what happens, I find comfort in the fact that what I am doing is a beautiful thing. A beautiful thing that is film-worthy. No matter how much pain, disappointment, and sorrow I suffer in the future, I will act in such a way that in 20 years I will be able to look back and say, "Yes, that was me" without shame and with my head held high.

To act selfishly is not to act at all. It is to cower in fear behind an imaginary self and to idolize our most base evolutionary trait--self preservation. You may live to be a hundred years old, but if you have never let your heart belong to another, you have not lived at all. The selfish man will never know true joy.

The walls that surround us are illusions. Break them down, and you will know reality. Love, and you will know reality.

Do not try to master or possess. You cannot carry an ocean with you. If you want to be part of the ocean, you must jump in, and allow yourself to be carried away by the currents. Do not mistake grasping for having.

It's good to be resolute sometimes, even if it is foolish. It gives life meaning and affirms the potential for beauty that the world contains. If we never acted against our logically sound conclusions, we would be nothing more than zombie-like robots, living dispassionate lives without hope.

Feelings are what make us man. We have programmed robots able to think. But, will they ever be able to feel? We may one day program them to one day appear to have feelings, but they will never actually have them. We can program ourselves to think in certain ways, but feelings are much more spontaneous. And spontaneity is beautiful.

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

The Enlightenment was a failure. Our brains and hands are overrated. The heart wins.

Let us restore human dignity together.