Saturday, September 8, 2012

Behind Painted Words

What is it, that hides behind so many painted words?
That of which the muses have only mused
and of which the men of science have yet to understand.

What is it, that lies at the base and at the summit of mankind's mountain?
That which is common even to the lowest of the low
and yet finds its eternal home at the peak of all things lofty and beautiful.

What is it, that has been called a "pearl of great price?"
That which the rich man will never have
and through which camels can enter needles' eyes.

What is it, that unmovable mover that puts all things in motion?
That which gives us hope and joy by its presence
and that which destroys us by its absence.

What is it, that has been said to end all suffering?
That which leads us down a path of eight folds
and that leads us into one.

What is it, that holds power enough to conquer death?
That which liberates the Romeos and Juliets
and that which resurrects the humble Jew.

What is it, that hides behind so many painted words?
That which has been bestowed on mankind as a gift
And whose nature cannot be revealed through all the painted words in the world.

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