Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stranger in a Strange Land, II

I am a stranger in a strange land.  I am an introvert in an extroverted world.  I like quiet, solitude, and intimate conversation.  All around me is noise, camaraderie, and loud talking.  Any one of these people I can love as an individual.  Collectively, I can feel nothing but confusion.

When I am with one, we are together.  When I am with many, I am alone.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Girl.

I talked to this girl today.  Alright, maybe "talked" is a loaded term.  I picked up a package, and she was the one who handed it to me.  We had a very brief moment of small talk, then I went back upstairs.  The important part is not that I talked to her, or even the girl herself, but that I felt something.  I felt an attraction to someone other than Her.  Progress comes slow, but it comes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Hardest Part.

The hardest part is knowing that it would work out so well.  Our friendship was so awesome, and our mutual respect was so strong--I just can't shake the feeling that nothing but a beautiful relationship could be born out of such a beautiful friendship.  It's a hopelessly romantic idea, I know, but I am a simple romantic full of nothing but hope.  I know she doesn't, and probably never will, but I really wish she could see what I see.  I'm better today, but I still know that it's gonna be damn hard to let go.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Beauty Lost.

I once sat content, deep in the cave of my own mind.  Watching the shadows, thinking they were true Forms, I was convinced of my understanding of the "true" nature of everything.  But then She came.

Suddenly, I noticed the darkness around me.  I noticed the emptiness of the Forms on the wall.  I noticed my own loneliness.  And I wanted to see what She had to show me.

So, I followed Her into the light of the outside world.  At first, I was nearly blinded by the vivid Reality of it all.  What are these Forms?  What is this smell, is it really Air?  These Trees, how green, how solid, how beautiful!

But the most beautiful Form was Her.  She was Beauty.  She was Justice.  She was the Good itself.

The entire land seemed to be lighted by Her Form.  Whenever She left my side, to investigate a patch of grass, to chase a bird through the trees, or to do any number of wonderful things, I felt a feeling of twilight tugging at my soul.  I felt lonely.

But, She would always come back.  I would be stuck in my mind's twilight for no more than minutes at a time before She returned.  Further, She always returned with a bright smile that brought noonday back, and which more than made up for the time She was gone.

Despite it all, I began to feel anxiety over the prospects of Her returning.  I allowed my imagination to develop horrifying scenarios in which She got lost, was attacked by a pack of wolves, or, worst of all, found another soul to lead to the light and forgot all about me.

I tried to keep Her back one day.  She was about to run after a small mouse into a thicket of trees, but I stopped Her.  I told Her I didn't want Her to leave me, that I was lonely when She left.  The look She gave me was the saddest I have ever seen.  I could feel the pain behind Her eyes, the shock behind those slightly-parted lips, and I immediately regretted it.  

Ok, She said, I won't leave you alone anymore.  

I had gotten what I had wanted, so why did I feel so horrible?

As the days passed, She kept Her promise.  There was not a moment in which I was out of Her presence.  At first, I was happy to have Her there with me so much.  But there was always that gnawing knowledge in the back of my mind that I was keeping Her with me against Her will.

She seemed happy at first.  She smiled just as much, babbled on like the brooks we often walked along, and danced just the same.  As time went on, however, Her smile began gradually fading away, She stopped talking so much, and the dancing completely stopped.  

One day, I found Her staring at an eagle flying alone high up in the sky.  Behind it, pink clouds were superimposed on an orange sky.  It was a very beautiful sight.

I looked into Her eyes.  There was a deep longing there.  She wanted to be up there with that bird--not down here with me.

So I left Her.  Quietly, I stole away into the darkening forest.  I travelled back to my cave, and climbed to the top of the mountain under which my cave lied, for one last look at this brave new world I had experienced with Her.  

The trees, the grasslands, and the far-off sea were all bathed in a golden glow, as the sun was descending behind a distant mountain.  And there She was, flying in the lonely sky with that eagle.  But with Her, the sky seemed filled.  She was free, for I was gone.

I pulled myself away from the beautiful sight, and descended down the cliffside to my cave.  As I re-entered the cave, I heard the sound of soft laughter, carried to me by the friendly winds whose soft whispers I would never hear again.

Then, I was alone.


Mornings are the worst, for it is in the morning that we awaken from our sleep.  Whatever dreams we had been living in disappear, and we are left in the cold light of reality with nowhere to escape.

No, you can't fly.

No, you aren't rich or famous.

No, she doesn't love you.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stranger in a Strange Land.

I am a stranger in a strange land.  When alone, I live in the sky.  I live amongst ideals, the forms that are Reality.  For me, The Good is all that is Real.  What else is there but these beautiful, lofty things?

Sometimes, I have to descend from my lofty home, and live upon the ground with the rest.  When I look at their world, I see nothing but mirrors and shadows.  They live with mere symbols of that which I find so dear.  They seem to me to be so lost, so blinded by illusion.  I feel empty in their world.  Their symbols are empty.  Their existence relies on fleeting pleasures and on fleeting experiences.  Where is Reality here?  Where is the Eternal?

Once in a while, I find someone who I think will be able to join me in my natural altitude.  I cling to her, even idolize her, until she herself has become an object lofty and beautiful.  However, she joins me in Form only.  Then the earthly reality sets in.  I discover that she is not able to come with me, and that if I were to be with her that I must descend indefinitely and make my home on the base ground.

And thus, I ascend back to my fortress in the sky--alone.

It is a lonely life with only clouds as companions.