Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Crazy Idea.

I had a crazy idea tonight, so I wrote it down.  These are my notes, unedited and undiluted:

I have created the creator.  I have given birth to God!  Like my earliest primordial ancestor, I have had an original thought!

It matters not whether He is real or not.  His existence is irrelevant to our own lives.  It is the IDEA of Him that matters.

This IDEA of God is a beautiful one.  He is what unifies us.  He is Plato's GOOD.  We must view him as such.

Religious leaders before crafted their messages to unify specific populations--Moses to unify the Jews, Christ to unify the people of Jerusalem, Muhammed to unify the Arabs.  We must unify THE WORLD.

Not under dogma or faith, but under GOD.

Tell the people He loves them.  Tell them He is real.  Tell them He condemns no one--that that is not His place.  His place is to love us, every one individually, and society as a whole.

No Hell--No Heaven.  Imagine All the People, Living Life in Peace, UNDER GOD!

He will be like Santa for the children--except even the naughty receive presents!

The Gods created in goodwill by our spiritual leaders--Moses, Christ, and Muhammed--have been used against the people by the people in order to repress the downtrodden and outcast, and to glorify themselves through a SOCIAL Religion.

There will be no such things with Our new God--all will be truly equal!

The Bible, Qur'an have been used to justify hatred and pride, and to persecute and destroy.  Our new scripture will do no such thing!

There is the New Bible of our New God in its entirety:

I love you.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


You are all like bunnies, harmlessly hopping along.  You are chasing a horse, who is trotting at a comfortable speed, just ahead of you.  The horse is chasing a carrot, dangling above its head.  You are chasing the horse which is chasing the carrot.  You want the carrot, and the horse tells you he will share.  Little do you know, you are hopping through a whole field of carrots, the tops of which tickle your underbellies as you follow behind the trotting horse.  All you need is someone to tell you where you are, that there are carrots right beneath you, and that you need not mindlessly follow the horse any longer.

Truth: I am the horse.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grilled Cheese

It's good.

A Clean Room.

I cleaned my dorm room today.  After 2 good weeks of chaos, my shoes are once again neatly lined up in their proper places, my desk is free of clutter and old assignments, and my dishes are clean.

There is a certain sense of empowerment that comes from seeing a room in order.

I've lived according to "nature's course" for long enough.  It's time to accept the other side of my nature--that of the social.  Living a natural life provides a nice respite from the human world, but as a human being, I must return to civilized life.  It would be against my own nature to remain a hermit forever.  I must descend from my lofty mountain abode and return to the land of the fallible.  I must clean up my house so that others will feel comfortable visiting.

It is part of man's nature to go against nature's course.  It is part of my nature to clean my room.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Confession of Faith.

I do not believe in a literal, anthropomorphic God-being who created us and determines our fate.  You could call me an atheist in that sense.  But do not for a minute believe I do not live a religious life.

I have faith.  Sometimes my faith is too strong and admittedly irrational, but it is the foma that makes me "brave and kind and healthy and happy."

Rationally or not, I believe all of mankind is essentially, at its core, good.  My reverence for God has been diverted to a reverence for the natural world, and the goodness of humanity.

Surely, you may ask, how can you believe in such a lie?  There are too many examples of evil in this world--hatred, murder, genocide!  How can you deny the evil that is humankind?

To this, I answer: all the evils of the world are simply manifestations of the individual's frustrated drive to be loved, to be good.  If an individual feels safe and loved, he will have no desire to harm another living thing, and he will in fact be motivated to make the world better!  It is when our insecurities and fear of the unknown overwhelm us that we become capable of the most horrible atrocities.

Thus, I believe that even the most hardened murderer can change if put into the proper environment.  If the rough, bitter exterior that has been built up after years and years of disappointment, insecurity, and fear can be dissolved, then the beautiful, good interior will reveal itself.  The most wonderful metamorphosis will take place--the animal contorted by pain will be transformed into his true self and realize his true potential--as a Child of God, a Manifestation of the Cosmic Consciousness, or simply as a Human Being.

This is my spirituality.  I believe in the human species.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Smile.

To smile is to recognize the Oneness of existence.  It is to accept the interconnected nature of being.

A smile shared is the most sacred of sacraments.  It is to look into the other person and accept them as a part of yourself in the Unity of everything.  It is to dissolve the boundaries that exist between the two bodies and unify the identities into the natural Whole.  The Eucharist is taken to unify the Individual with the Absolute; the Smile is shared to unify two Individuals together in the Absolute, which is all around, within you and without you.

To smile is to reveal the little Buddha, or God, within you.  It is to accept the divine and beautiful inside your Self.

A smile hidden is the most sacred of sacraments.  It is to look inside yourself and accept that Self as the divine, the Eternal.  It is to dissolve the illusions of sin and suffering and to accept your sacred right as a divine being to Happiness.  The Eucharist is taken to absolve the Individual of Sin; the Smile is hidden to bring the Individual to Joy, which is all around, within you and without you.

To smile is to let go of Preconception and Attachment.  It is to accept the transient nature of the eternal.

A smile freed is the most sacred of sacrements.  It is to look inside the nature of existence and accept its impermanence.  It is to dissolve the preconceptions and attachments that have been created by the Ego and to enter once again into the Natural course.  The Eucharist is taken to cement an Individual's commitment to a Man-made Doctrine; the Smile is freed to liberate the Individual to Nature's Reality, which is all around, within you and without you.

Smile, and Be.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cosmic Consciousness.

There it is.  The Unity.  I understand it now.  It was always there.  It's humanity.  It's the core of Us.  Underneath everything, we are One.

We all have the God (Good) particle inside of us.  It's there, wanting the best, wanting to cease suffering for everyone, wanting to burst out and unify itself with the Universe.

Deeply and purely, humans are Good.  Not good, but Good, a Goodness beyond good and evil.  A Purity that transcends the pure and impure.

We need to discover this Good inside ourselves to see it in others.  When we see it in others, we truly Realize the Good within ourselves.

What is the purpose of life?  To tear down our self-created barriers of Self and Ego, and to Unify our Goodnesses together into One Cosmic Consciousness.


Detach yourself from your attachment.

Say to it,

Hello.  I see you there.  Welcome to my home, you may stay as long as you want.  Remember, however, that I am the Master of the House, and you are simply a guest.

The attachment will leave once it becomes aware of its subservience.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Keep your eggs close--do not entrust them to baskets.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


No, you didn't hurt my self-esteem--I still think of myself just as highly as before.

You've done worse than that--you've killed my faith in everyone else.

A Messy Room.

I've decided to give up on cleaning my dorm room.  Seeing notebooks, textbooks, and miscellaneous shoes strewn haphazardly about the floor brings me an odd sense of inner peace and satisfaction.

There is a certain Harmony in Chaos that can only be viewed by taking a step back and quietly accepting nature's course.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Natural.

Oh, human!  Abandon your temples, churches, and mosques, and make ye a Pilgrimage.   Leave your all-too-human gods and embark on a quest for true Immortality!  Establish your chapel amongst the birds and the trees, amongst the Beautiful and Lofty.  You are confined to a Human existence, my friend, and have an unquenchable thirst for the Mysterious.

Worship, then, that which is perfectly Unknowable, yet perfectly Apparent--the Natural.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Everything is an art.  Philosophy is the art of thought.  Religion is the art of spirit.  Science is the art of observation.  Mathematics is the art of logic.

The greatest and most elusive art of all, however, is the art of living, or, Happiness.