Friday, November 16, 2012

Confession of Faith.

I do not believe in a literal, anthropomorphic God-being who created us and determines our fate.  You could call me an atheist in that sense.  But do not for a minute believe I do not live a religious life.

I have faith.  Sometimes my faith is too strong and admittedly irrational, but it is the foma that makes me "brave and kind and healthy and happy."

Rationally or not, I believe all of mankind is essentially, at its core, good.  My reverence for God has been diverted to a reverence for the natural world, and the goodness of humanity.

Surely, you may ask, how can you believe in such a lie?  There are too many examples of evil in this world--hatred, murder, genocide!  How can you deny the evil that is humankind?

To this, I answer: all the evils of the world are simply manifestations of the individual's frustrated drive to be loved, to be good.  If an individual feels safe and loved, he will have no desire to harm another living thing, and he will in fact be motivated to make the world better!  It is when our insecurities and fear of the unknown overwhelm us that we become capable of the most horrible atrocities.

Thus, I believe that even the most hardened murderer can change if put into the proper environment.  If the rough, bitter exterior that has been built up after years and years of disappointment, insecurity, and fear can be dissolved, then the beautiful, good interior will reveal itself.  The most wonderful metamorphosis will take place--the animal contorted by pain will be transformed into his true self and realize his true potential--as a Child of God, a Manifestation of the Cosmic Consciousness, or simply as a Human Being.

This is my spirituality.  I believe in the human species.

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