Monday, November 12, 2012

Cosmic Consciousness.

There it is.  The Unity.  I understand it now.  It was always there.  It's humanity.  It's the core of Us.  Underneath everything, we are One.

We all have the God (Good) particle inside of us.  It's there, wanting the best, wanting to cease suffering for everyone, wanting to burst out and unify itself with the Universe.

Deeply and purely, humans are Good.  Not good, but Good, a Goodness beyond good and evil.  A Purity that transcends the pure and impure.

We need to discover this Good inside ourselves to see it in others.  When we see it in others, we truly Realize the Good within ourselves.

What is the purpose of life?  To tear down our self-created barriers of Self and Ego, and to Unify our Goodnesses together into One Cosmic Consciousness.

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