Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Smile.

To smile is to recognize the Oneness of existence.  It is to accept the interconnected nature of being.

A smile shared is the most sacred of sacraments.  It is to look into the other person and accept them as a part of yourself in the Unity of everything.  It is to dissolve the boundaries that exist between the two bodies and unify the identities into the natural Whole.  The Eucharist is taken to unify the Individual with the Absolute; the Smile is shared to unify two Individuals together in the Absolute, which is all around, within you and without you.

To smile is to reveal the little Buddha, or God, within you.  It is to accept the divine and beautiful inside your Self.

A smile hidden is the most sacred of sacraments.  It is to look inside yourself and accept that Self as the divine, the Eternal.  It is to dissolve the illusions of sin and suffering and to accept your sacred right as a divine being to Happiness.  The Eucharist is taken to absolve the Individual of Sin; the Smile is hidden to bring the Individual to Joy, which is all around, within you and without you.

To smile is to let go of Preconception and Attachment.  It is to accept the transient nature of the eternal.

A smile freed is the most sacred of sacrements.  It is to look inside the nature of existence and accept its impermanence.  It is to dissolve the preconceptions and attachments that have been created by the Ego and to enter once again into the Natural course.  The Eucharist is taken to cement an Individual's commitment to a Man-made Doctrine; the Smile is freed to liberate the Individual to Nature's Reality, which is all around, within you and without you.

Smile, and Be.

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